You’ve squashed another three-day weekend listening to Car Talk. Or something like that.
Regrettably, none of the weekend was spent listening to Car Talk, although now that they have it in podcast form, I might have to listen to it while I am rebuilding a bunch of virtual servers tomorrow. Instead, there was the previously documented inbox cleaning for my MobileMe account, some fun times with friends on Friday night at the Brew Pub, and several other attempts to get my stuff organized, which were for the most part marginally successful.
Oh, and I nearly lit my vacuum cleaner on fire today.
I was just starting in on getting the family room vacuumed when I smelled something hot. Then something that smelled hotter, like burning plastic, so I turned the thing off and tilted it back to have a look at the brush and roller, only to see wisps of smoke coming from inside the roller. I grabbed a screwdriver and took off the floor guard thingy to get at the roller, and found a whole bunch of hair wrapped around the roller right next to the belt, which is probably what was smoking. After getting it all pulled off everything seemed to go alright. I haven’t set anything on fire yet.
Following the excitement from the almost-carpet-fire incident, there was soccer. A-Team made its debut today, and while we lost 7-3, we did fairly well. The team we were playing against had been in the higher division last session and got bumped down after winning only one of their eight games. A lot of our trouble seemed to stem from having a fresh team that had never played, or had never played together. People seemed to have fun though, and I suspect we’ll win a few games this session. All that really matters to me is that we beat the team that cut me and a few other players and got this whole process started.
Since this post is sorely lacking in pictures, I’ll leave you with a picture of Sam, who will someday get a formal introduction:
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