I had almost forgotten…

…that I actually still have this thing.  The fact that I go a month without posting to a blog that had 3 posts to begin with is probably not a good reflection of my ability to commit to something, but when you think about what I’ve been up to in the last month with finishing classes and moving, I suppose it’s understandable.

I’m officially fully moved in now.  Took me about 3 weeks, one trip to IKEA in a ridiculously oversized truck, and a whole lot of time at Target, but I am finally all on my own.  In a way it feels very familiar; I lived in a studio apartment last year and generally enjoyed it, but this time most of my friends are either out of town or in town and married, which kind of rules out gatherings like the Tuesday Night Daiquiris of old.

I finished taking my last exam ever last night, and I am beyond thrilled.  Sixteen and a half years of school will finally come to a head on Saturday at commencement, and while I still don’t want to go, I am excited for it, even if it is just to get it over with.

Tomorrow and Friday are my last two days as the Intern at the office.  The guys have apparently realized this, because I’m suddenly being asked to get them coffee and anticipate a need to bring coffee creamer to the office when I stop by.  Fortunately, I do enough other valuable tasks that coffee runs aren’t important enough to merit stopping what I’m working on.  Very little will likely change when I cease to be the intern and become part of the team, but in many ways I’m perfectly alright with that. I’ve found a job that I love, and how many people my age can sit at commencement on Saturday knowing that they’ve got the job they want waiting for them?

So, what to do with the next phase in life? There’s a to-do list, which shouldn’t surprise anybody who knows me. I need to do some painting and liven the place up, both in terms of my apartment and this site.  I’ve had this domain for a year and in that year I’ve barely made use of it…I should probably start getting some value from it…






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