California Adventure: now with 25% more adventure!

I woke up this morning ready to head back home. I wasn’t exactly thrilled that my trip had come to an end, but I was about as mentally prepared as one can be before being felt up by a stranger, waiting a whole lot, and then finally being packed into a 757 and shot across the country. I was looking forward to airport burgers, horrifically overpriced as they are, and sleeping in my own bed tonight while my cat looked at me with a combination of surprise that I returned and outright contempt for leaving for 6 days.

Instead, I woke up to an email from United that I had been rebooked. My flight from Chicago to Grand Rapids had been canceled, and United had automatically rebooked me on a flight out through Denver tomorrow morning, bright and early, at 5:40am. Making that flight (assuming that the BART runs that early in the day, which it doesn’t) would have required that I be up and functional at 2:30am. Not really an option. I called United to get my flight moved to a later time, which they did…so now I fly home tomorrow night at 10:55. I’ll land in GR around 10:45am Eastern time on Saturday morning. Gonna be a fun trip.

It’s not all grumbles though. I’ve got two more days now to wander around and relax. It could be worse; I could have been stranded in O’Hare overnight like I almost was the last time I flew. Instead, I get another two days of this:





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