California Adventure: Monday

After doing a lot of walking around on Saturday and Sunday, Monday was a pretty calm and relaxed day. With it being President’s Day, my friend had the day off from work and the campus was pretty quiet. We decided to head back onto campus and head up to the top of the tower on Berkeley’s campus.

The tower gave us a good view of the rest of campus:

At the top of the tower is a carillon, which is essentially a choir of large bells that are played by something resembling an organ. Berkeley has an active program within their music department for students to learn how to play the instrument.

We wandered around a bit more and watched quite a bit of Big Bang Theory and did some homemade pizza for dinner. I actually wound up going down the street to a sausage stand, getting an Italian sausage in a bun, and then chopping that up for my topping because I wanted something meaty on my pizza. It was actually pretty good. We also learned how to light the oven, as it still was not lighting and we decided that the need for pizza trumped any instinct to not run a gas oven and try to light it by hand.





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