Three-Day Weekends
Something that I take a certain degree of razzing over at work is my habit of using vacation days to create three-day weekends. This weekend is the second in 3 weeks that I lengthened, originally for a planned camping trip. Unfortunately I wound up not going, but given that it’s raining up there this weekend,…
Trapped in the elevator
Yesterday I got trapped in an elevator at work for 30ish minutes. I’ve been stuck in elevators before, and if it weren’t for the fact that I had a pretty good feeling that I was going to get stuck, I would have lost faith in my theory that, much like being struck by lightning, you…
MCITP: Enterprise Admin
The one lousy thing about a job in the IT field is that things are always changing. Microsoft (when they have it together) puts out a new client and server OS every 3 years or so, and that means that IT folks have to stay current. Instead of going back to school, they get re-certified.…
Northern Escape
This weekend I fled up north with a friend from college to go back home with her. We grabbed lunch at Wild Chef and then started the trip up to Frankfort, which is a really small town on the lake about 3 hours north of Holland. There were two things I really liked about Frankfort.…
Lakeshore Miracle Run
Today I tackled the second run on my summer list (I had a soccer game the night of the Zeeland Zoom…at the same time as the game): the Lakeshore Miracle 10K. This was the second 10K I had ever run, and it was definitely a learning experience. My overall time for the run was somewhere…
How a month flies by
I knew I hadn’t posted in a while, but a month? Really? I feel like that’s a bit on the extreme side. Calendars don’t lie, though, so I suppose it really has been that long. So it’s been a busy month. Work has been crazy busy; Friday was the quietest I’ve seen things in weeks.…
Farewell, iMac
A long time ago, back in 2006, I got my second Mac. It was a Core Duo iMac, and at the time it was the most tricked-out Mac you could get your hands on: half-terabyte hard drive, 2GB of RAM, 128MB dedicated graphics card, SuperDrive, and a 20″ screen. It took a week to ship…
This morning was the Panther Prowl 5K. It was a pretty small run/walk, smaller probably than the St. Patty’s Day 5K I did back in March, but I had chosen to run this one as part of my 50K goal for Runfos partly because of the distance (I don’t need to train a ton to…
Friday Night Adventures
Before I talk about tonight, I should probably back it up a few days. It’s been an odd week. We’ll begin with Tuesday. Tuesday was a hard day to get through. After not really sticking to any kind of workout regimen the entire week prior due to laziness and a sunburn (mostly laziness), 5:30 came…
June’s Forecast: Dry. Very, very dry.
Last night, following A-Team’s extension of it’s streak to 0-22, I was at an Applebees with a couple of guys from the soccer team and one of them asked me if I was giving up drinking for the month of June. I looked at him with a mix of skepticism and curiosity, and then proceeded…
Got any book recommendations?