• Taco Bell…foodstuffs…and that weight loss post

    I promise, it’s a coincidence that these two topics are being conjoined into one post. By now most people have probably heard about the lawsuit against Taco Bell for calling their tasty meat-like filling beef. When I had heard on NPR that you needed your beef to be at least 70% beef, I figured Taco…

  • It’s Evo-licious

    Thursday morning I was delightfully surprised to get the tracking status on my Evo and find that it was going to be delivered that day. I had figured I’d need to wait a few days, but someone at Sprint must have felt pretty bad that I was still on a Curve 8330 and put a…

  • Movies I need to get caught up on

    The following is a brief list (I promise, it’ll get bigger) of movies that I should probably have seen by now but have not. Prepare to suspend any expectations you may have about the movies I’ve seen or haven’t seen. The Big Lebowski Up in the Air Fight Club Boondock Saints Batman Begins The Net…

  • StarCraft II, or why my iMac Sucks

    Four and a half years ago I spent an entire summer working an internship in the accounting department of a manufacturing firm in town. It wasn’t exactly awful…but it was definitely one of those life experiences that you look back on, shudder a bit, and appreciate the job you have now that much more. It…

  • Mozy Madness

    We use MozyPro as an inexpensive online backup solution for some of our customers at work to provide them with either a low-cost way to back up their data or as an inexpensive offsite backup solution to complement their existing backup solution. Recently though I’ve had a bone to pick with Mozy. Mozy’s a great…

  • A (Cold) Day at the Beach

    After a snowy first two weeks in December, followed by a general thaw that culminated in a 55 degree New Years Eve, winter finally decided to come back to Michigan for the new year and brought a fair amount of snow with it. Having had the day off yesterday to relax, I decided to get…

  • VMware ESXi: Datastore Delights

    Earlier this week I was working on an ESXi VM host that had a huge (4TB) amount of local storage. Ideally, I would have liked to provision a single datastore on the server, but as I found out, this isn’t possible; ESXi supports datastore sizes up to 2TB, but no higher. The odd thing about…

  • That’s more like it.

    Ever since I had my cable box installed on Tuesday, my Internet speed had failed to increase from the 1Meg I had been getting previously. And while 1Meg is still perfectly fine for one person 99% of the time, I like to get what I’m paying for. While I would have preferred to not have…

  • Resetting ESXi Root Passwords

    I was recently playing around with VMware’s ESXi hypervisor a few days ago on a lab server when I forgot the password. Happens to the best of us. While the VMs on the server continued running as if nothing was wrong, this was obviously a problem becuase I couldn’t properly shut down, reboot, or update…

  • Meet Sam.

    Sam is my roommate here at The Bachelor Pad, and he helps me keep it real. I got him last summer around my birthday when he was about 8 weeks old and not much bigger than a Diet Coke can. Originally, I had no intention of getting an orange tiger (my parents have two); I…

Got any book recommendations?