• 40 Recipe Challenge, Part 4: Orange-Chipotle Chicken

    Last night my parents asked me to cat-sit at their place, so I decided to take advantage of the fact that they have a grill and do a recipe from a grilling cookbook a friend gave me for Christmas. I was originally going to grill some chicken in a bourbon-molasses sauce, but this seemed a…

  • 40 Recipe Challenge, Part 3: Classic Marinara

    This is another one of the recipes I pulled from the Two Dudes One Pan cookbook. It’s used with the ricotta and pancetta-stuffed pork chops, but since I only used half of the sauce on the pork chops, I threw the other half in the freezer for a week or so with the intent of…

  • A day long remembered.

    Since January 2 2010, A-TEAM SOCCER has taken the field 50 times. 3 sessions of indoor soccer, 3 sessions of outdoor soccer. We lost every game we played. Some games were ugly. Some games were close. We’d have a strong first half and then collapse from fatigue in the second half. But not today. A-TEAM…

  • 40 Recipe Challenge, Part 2: Ricotta and Pancetta-stuffed Pork Chops

    Last weekend I took a crack at a recipe from Two Dudes, One Pan, a cookbook that I got a few years ago and never really took a close look at. I was flipping through it a few weeks ago and figured that this would be a good one to try. The recipe also calls…

  • Fauxberon, adventure style

    One of my favorite summer beers is Oberon. Oberon Day is a day that I eagerly anticipate from about January 4 forward, since it marks more or less the end of winter and the promise of summer’s arrival. A week or so ago, I was thinking about this year’s Oberon day and how awesome it…

  • 40 Recipe Challenge, Part 1: Lasagna

    I had mentioned previously that one of the things I want to do this year is try about 40 new recipes, either completely untested before, or revisits of family recipes that I haven’t ever done before. Last night I took a crack at lasagna, based on my grandmother’s recipe. Here goes: Grandma’s Lasagna 1 lb…

  • Runfos, freaky January weather-style

    This week’s weather has been a little nuts. Tuesday, I did some interval training downtown. It was 50 degrees outside. I decided to head west, away from the main loop and all of its stoplights and traffic, and headed down to Kollen Park to run along the boardwalk. I’d watch people do it all the…

  • Recipe: Rice Pilaf (Updated)

    Previously, I had posted a recipe for a basic rice pilaf I cooked up out of my head. It had been a while since I had made this, and after my last few batches of wild rice turned out rather disappointing, I decided to head back to the pilaf. This time I decided to not…

  • 2012 Goals

    2011 was a decent year. I ran my first 5K and 10K, biked 100km for the first time in a couple of years, and got quite a bit better at soccer. I made my first batch of mead and capped the year yesterday with a bottling party at my friend’s place. We bottled 4 growlers…

  • ’twas the week before Christmas

    Coming back from a vacation can always be a bit of a rough adjustment. Previously, I’d wrap four days off around a weekend to create six days off between two three-day weeks, which seemed to help, but last week I went for the full week off, which made coming back this week a little rough.…

Got any book recommendations?