Tag: adventure

  • California Adventure: Thursday, Friday, and Saturday

    I woke up Thursday morning to discover that my flight from Chicago to Grand Rapids had been canceled 12 hours early, and United had automatically rebooked me for a flight on Friday morning…at 5am. Ignoring the “I don’t want to” aspect of getting up early enough to get there, this was an impossible situation. The…

  • California Adventure: Wednesday

    Wednesday was Day 1 of the Dry Lent, and (supposedly) my last day in town. My friend had to work and go to a few classes, so I was left to wander. We made plans to do dinner in San Francisco, so I decided to head out there early and wander around a bit. Prior…

  • California Adventure: Tuesday

    I had previously blogged about some of Tuesday’s major adventures, so rather than rehash it all again I’ll just summarize: Tuesday my friend had class and work, so around 1 I decided to head downtown in search of a local sushi place. The result: Party Sushi. Following the California and Bomb rolls, I moved on…

  • California Adventure: Monday

    After doing a lot of walking around on Saturday and Sunday, Monday was a pretty calm and relaxed day. With it being President’s Day, my friend had the day off from work and the campus was pretty quiet. We decided to head back onto campus and head up to the top of the tower on…