Tag: school

  • And so it ends, not with a bang…

    …and not really with a whimper, either.  The ending just kind of came and went.  Like most major things these days, it seems.  Graduation from Western was a lot like graduation from high school; you did a lot of sitting, you did a fair amount of getting up to applaud, and some guy in a…

  • I had almost forgotten…

    …that I actually still have this thing.  The fact that I go a month without posting to a blog that had 3 posts to begin with is probably not a good reflection of my ability to commit to something, but when you think about what I’ve been up to in the last month with finishing…

  • In case you were wondering…

    …I’m still suffering from CMS.  Except on mornings when I have to get up and go to work.  Those mornings I’m a little less motivated, but I’m starting to have trouble remembering which day it really is. IKEA day was today.  I didn’t have access to anything big enough to move the larger pieces of…